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common Questions
What denomination is Grace Community Church?We’re non-denominational, which means we don’t have a denomination (like Presbyterian, Baptist, Assemblies of God, etc.) backing us. You’ll find people from all kinds of faith and non-faith backgrounds at Grace. No matter our backgrounds, we are all imperfect people who serve a perfect God.
Why do we worship together?Worship is much more than music, it’s an intentional way we express our hearts to God and remind ourselves of His love and His promises to us. Most importantly, worship is a way for us to give back to and praise our awesome God.
What do people wear?Our congregation is casual. Come as you are and wear what makes you feel comfortable.
How long is the service?Services are about an hour. The service begins with one worship song before a welcome and announcements. We enter into another time of worship before one of our pastors will typically deliver a message for about 30-35 minutes. We end the service with one more time of worship before everyone is dismissed.
What are the messages like?The messages are 30-35 minutes long and are designed to address real-world problems by using the Word of God. We use a translation of the Bible that is easy to read and to understand. Our pastors take passages from the Bible and find ways that we can apply those principles in today’s world while making it easy to comprehend.
Do you serve coffee or tea?We do! We provide a variety of free coffee and teas. We also provide free hot chocolate in the fall and winter and iced coffee in the summer. You are more than welcome to take your drink into the auditorium with you. Our seats have cup holders so you don’t have to worry about spilling your drink during the service.
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