Grace Kids
What is Grace Kids?
Our heartbeat is for kids to discover Jesus on their level. That’s why we’ve created environments for kids (from birth to 6th grade) that are both safe and engaging.
Using games, worship, small groups, and more, we teach kids at a young age that they are loved by God and saved by Jesus Christ. Our hope is that what they learn on the weekends can be a springboard for more conversations about God with you during the week.
Can’t make it to church? Download the Parent Cue App to get the online lesson and other amazing resources right to your phone!
What to expect
During your first visit, you will be welcomed by a Grace Kids team member (in a purple shirt) eager to meet your family. We will be there every step of the way (right up to your child's environment), so feel free to ask questions!
Because we value safety, we will need some information from you including parent/guardian’s name, child’s name and birthday, address, phone number, and any special instructions (allergies, etc.).
Due to a variety of allergies and nutrition choices, we do not allow food in Grace Kids. If a special occasion should arise, we will post the food being served for the safety of children with food sensitivities.
For more information about what your child will experience during service please click the “environments” button below.

Our Core Beliefs
We believe God’s word is always true
We have a relationship with God because of what Jesus did for us
We share Jesus with others because He loves us
We welcome everyone and everyone belongs
We are made by God to serve Him and others
We receive God’s best so we will give our best
Additional Ministries
At Grace, we have a ministry for everyone in every stage of life. Our Family Ministry, Grace Students, and Special Needs ministries are all designed to help you connect with other families here at Grace and grow in your relationship with God.